In Forspoken's debut trailer from March of 2021, we're introduced to protagonist Frey Holland by Ella Balinska, Frey's voice and motion capture artist. In some of her shown skirmishes, Frey switches between magic bolts, whips with energy tendrils, and coup-de-grace finishers with a conjured knife. On display is the variety of different combat spells and magic parkour traversal options that Frey can deploy-and it looks to be a substantial one. In the trailer, Frey picks up a sidequest to grab some crafting materials for an artisan in the hub city of Cipal, and then its out into the wilderness to fling fistfuls of magic. This 10-minute gameplay overview from August 2022 gives a pretty full sense of what the standard flow of gameplay will feel like in Forspoken, as Frey explores the open (and almost entirely corrupted) world of Athia. We have a full breakdown of the abilities mentioned in our "What will Forspoken play like?" section of this article. Another feature showcased are spellcraft challenges, which allow Frey to upgrade skills to buff abilities with augments like shorter cooldowns or lower stamina consumption.

This Deep Dive: Magic Parkour trailer gives us a close up look at what powers Frey has at her disposal, and how they can combine to let her jump and skate around this unfamiliar land.